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extrasolar planet中文是什么意思

用"extrasolar planet"造句"extrasolar planet"怎么读"extrasolar planet" in a sentence


  • 太系外行星
  • 太阳系外行星
  • 太阳系以外行星
  • 外星行星
  • 系外行星


  • The recent discovery of numerous extrasolar planets confirms that our solar system is not unique
  • So say three teams of scientists who used the spitzer space telescope to capture the light spectrum of two known extrasolar planets
  • Gives overview of the solar system , the milky way galaxy , extrasolar planets , cosmology and astrophotography . includes images , additional resources , and forums
  • With some 50 extrasolar planets under their belt astronomers have to announce something really strange to get anyone ' s attention . last week they did just that
  • To accomplish this , scientists focused the telescope on two of the 14 extrasolar planets that are known to pass directly in front of their star when observed from earth
  • Three other extrasolar planets believed to be of rocky composition have been reported , but they orbit a pulsar - the flashing corpse of an exploded star - rather than a normal type of star
  • But starting with the 1995 discovery of the first extrasolar planet a gassy monster like jupiter but orbiting seven times as close to its star as mercury orbits around our sun each new find has seemed stranger than the last
  • For example , if there is a planet orbiting around the neutron star , it will wobble a little and the pulses will come a little early or late . we can then deduce the mass and the radius of the orbit of the planet from the arrival time of the pulses . this is how the first extrasolar planet is discovered
  • The new sky show " ufo files " will try to unveil the mysteries of the " flying saucers " . besides examining the now infamous roswell incident and other ufo cases , the programme will also introduce how astronomers make use of latest technologies to track down extrasolar planets , and their effort in searching for extraterrestrial civilizations
用"extrasolar planet"造句  


An extrasolar planet, or exoplanet, is a planet outside the Solar System. A total of such planets (in planetary systems, including multiple planetary systems) have been identified as of .
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